
Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics 1.1

1. Introduction: models and soil mechanics
1.1 Use of models in engineering

    Scientific understanding proceeds by way of constructing and analysing models of those segments or aspects of reality under study. The purpose of these models is not to give a mirror image of reality, not to include all its elements in their exact sizes and proportions, but rather to single out and make available for intensive investigations those elements which are decisive. We abstract from non-essentials, we blot out the unimportant to get an unobstructed view of the important, we magnify in order to improve the range and accuracy of our observation. A model is, and must be, unrealistic in the sence in which the word is most commonly used. Nevertheless, and in a sense, paradoxically, if it is a good model it provides the key to understanding reality. (Bran and Sweezy, 1968)

科学的な理解は,研究中の現実の側面または様相を表すモデルの構築と分析によってなされる.これらのモデルの目的は,現実を鏡のように表すことや,それらの正確な大きさや形状の全てを含んでいることではなく,それらの要素の研究が明白になることである.我々は観測の視点を遮ることのないように,必要不可欠でないことや重要でないことを取り除いて,観測の範囲と正確さを向上させるために要約する.一般的に用いられているモデルという言葉は現実的ではなく,またそうである必要がある.それにも関わらず,逆説的には実現賞を理解する鍵を提供するモデルは良いモデルであることになる(Bran and Sweezy, 1968).

Engineering is concerned with understanding, analysing, and predicting the way in which real devices, structures, and pieces of equipment will behave in use.
It is rarely possible to perform an analysis in which full knowledge of the object being analysed permits a complete and accurate description of the object to be incorporated in the analysis.
This is particularly true for geotechnical engineering.
The soil conditions under a foundation or embankment can be discovered only at discrete locations by foundation or embankment can be discovered only at discrete locations by retrieving samples of soil from boreholes or performing in situ tests; soil conditions between such discrete locations can be deduced only by informed interpolation. (This is a major difference between geotechnical engineering and structural or mechanical engineering, in which it is feasible to specify and control the properties of the steel, concrete, or other material from which a structural member or mechanical component is to be manufacted.)


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